We offer many services and can tailor training to your needs. Below is our most popular option

What is 1-1 coaching and why is it for you?

Starting your running journey can feel overwhelming with the flood of information available. Unsure where to begin?

Enter the solution: Personalised 1-1 coaching. Whether you're a beginner or seeking accountability to reach your goals, 1 on 1 coaching is tailored to guide you.

What does 1 on 1 coaching look like?

Free training peaks account. Your weekly program is upladed and your completed sessions are stored here. Everything in one simple to use place!

Personalised weekly running program created for your specific needs.

Optional strength training program with visuals.

Unlimited access to your coach for all of your questions whenever you have them.

You don't need elite status, even recreational runners find immense value in expert coaching to enhance their experiences.

Get started with your 1-1 coaching today. Register your interest below